Home at Last

The Board of Directors of the African American Heritage House (AAHH) is proud to announce the acquisition of a new home located at 40 Scott Avenue on the grounds of Chautauqua Institution. This spacious 6-bedroom facility will provide a valuable social arena for community gatherings as well as a place for continued engagement with the past, present and future experiences of African Americans and other marginalized people at Chautauqua. More than simply a physical expansion, this new acquisition highlights AAHH’s mission to strengthen Chautauqua by encouraging and welcoming diversity while fostering honest and transformative conversations.

Board Chair Erroll Davis noted that “Our focus has been on assuring that the past and present contributions of African Americans to Chautauqua and this nation are fully appreciated. That is a starting point for building the dialogue and relationships that are both critical and necessary for creating positive change. This facility will allow our visitors to not only understand our archival research but also provide a curated space for meaningful discussion of both past and current issues. The Board and I are truly excited by the opportunities afforded by a physical space and presence. We look forward to years of robust and meaningful discussions.”

Michael E. Hill, President, Chautauqua Institution commented, "The AAHH has had a strong and powerful presence at the Institution since its inception, and the purchase of this new house is an excellent next step that will allow the Institution, its patrons and staff to build even more meaningful relationships and experiences. On behalf of Chautauqua Institution, I am grateful to the entire board of the African American Heritage House in securing this purchase and look forward to our continued collaborations." 

The African American Heritage House is excited for this new chapter and after appropriate housekeeping and renovation, will look forward to welcoming both the community and weekly visitors.

The Board would also like to thank the many friends and supporters of the AAHH who have allowed it to progress to this point. There still are many challenges ahead for the organization, including permanently financing the facility and its operations on a sustainable basis, but the Board remains optimistic that it can continue to count upon you as it has in the past.