African American Heritage House (AAHH) Lecture Series: DeRay McKesson 

Please join us online at CHQ Assembly on Friday, July 23 at 1:00 pm EDT for our fourth program of the 2021 Summer Assembly Season. We are pleased to present DeRay McKesson, a civil rights activist focused primarily on issues of innovation, equity, and justice, as he delivers a talk in line with the weekly theme of Many Americas: Navigating Our Divides. 

DeRay has advocated for issues related to children, youth, and families since he was a teen. As a leading voice in the Black Lives Matter Movement, a board member of Rock The Vote, and a co-founder of Campaign Zero, DeRay has worked to connect individuals with knowledge and tools, and provide citizens and policy makers with commonsense policies that ensure equity. He has advised officials at all levels of government and internationally, and continues to provide capacity to activists, organizers, and influencers to make an impact.

Spurred by the death of Mike Brown and the subsequent protests in Ferguson, Missouri, and beyond, DeRay has become a key player in the work to confront the systems and structures that have led to mass incarceration and police killings of black and other minority populations. He is also the host of the award-winning weekly podcast Pod Save The People - which creates space for conversation about the most important issues of the week related to justice, equity and identity.

AAHH lectures will remain available on the CHQ Assembly Platform assembly.chq.org and will also be archived on the AAHH website AAHeritageHouse.org a few days after the presentation.

Note: the speaker will not be on the grounds of Chautauqua Institution.