Week One - On Friendship
John T. Grant Jr., Executive Director of the Cricket Celebration Bowl and Co-Founder Atlanta Friendship Initiative

Week Two - Games: A Celebration of Our Most Human Pastimes
Jaycee Holmes, Professor and Co-Director, Spelman Innovation Lab

Week Three - Can the Center Hold? — A Question for Our Moment
Danielle Lang, CLC Senior Director, Voting Rights

Week Four - The State of Believing
Rev. Dr. Gary V. Simpson, Concord Baptist Church of Christ

Week Five - Infrastructure: Building and Maintaining the Physical, Social and Civic Underpinnings of Society
Tonika Johnson, Community Citizen

Week Six - A Life of Literature
Danielle Legros Georges, Professor of Creative Writing, Lesley University

Week Seven - The National Parks: How America’s ‘Best Idea’ is Meeting 21st-Century Challenges
Cassius Cash, Superintendent of Great Smoky Mountains National Park

Week Eight - Freedom of Expression, Imagination, and the Resilience of Democracy
Stan Deaton, Senior Historian, Georgia Historical Society

Week Nine - The Global South: Expanding the Scope of Geopolitical Understanding
Claire Mathonsi, CARE, Associate VP of Gender Justice